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About us


ROKY Care is a newly developed service in London Borough of Enfield that aims to empower and assist vulnerable adults aged 18-64 with mental health difficulties (including additional complex needs) to be able to live independently in their own home. 

Our services focus on recovery, therefore, we work closely with landlords to ensure that service users move into the level of provision that best meets their needs and move through the pathway as they become more independent. 

We aim to deliver excellent value through close partnership working, effective and efficient use of resources and continuous improvement and innovations. We have highly trained and qualified staff team who maintain high standard care and support at a competitive price. 

Involvement & Commitment

Promoting a culture that is open, honest, transparent, safe and caring.

Involving with shaping service delivery via compliments, concerns and complaints.


Working in partnership

 Helping to build happier and healthier communities.

Working closely with stakeholders and positively recognising each agency/partner's value to improve chances of recovery for service users.  

Our mission

Improving life outcomes and opportunities for service users in the community. 

Our culture of work is underpinned by principles of respect, empathy and innovation. We monitor and work personally with service users to ensure they get the best for what we set out as a service provider. 

Our objectives

Encouraging independence and personal responsibility whilst ensuring person-centred care approach to support each individual service user. 

Ensuring that robust governance processes exist to meet needs of service users, its employees, the care regulators and other key stake holders. 

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