Domiciliary care/supported living service
Our service provides a range of services put in place to support service users in their own home.
Services may involve routine household tasks within or outside the home, personal care of the client and other associated domestic services necessary to maintain an individual in an acceptable level of health, hygiene, dignity, safety and ease in their home. We assist service users who require around the clock care (24- hour support care package).
- High support (24/7 staff presence)
- personalised support packages
- managing their health and wellbeing such as access to complimentary therapies and exercise
- managing medication
- support to manage and attend medical appointment
- liaison with professional services
- Involvement with families/friends/carers
- risk monitoring
- managing finances/opening bank account
- managing paperwork
- nutrition
- Assisted daily living skills (ADL’s) – shopping, maintaining hygiene
- staying safe
- building social networks
- enhancing confidence, maximising work/training opportunities
- support to deal with tenancy related issues/rent/debt
our head office:
79 King Edwards Road
N9 7RL
contact: (Saty) tel- 07305 977397